500 Drone Light Show in Zimbabwe for Destination Wedding Planners

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Amazing Drone Show for Those Whose Work Is To Amaze

This time our destination point was the exotic Zimbabwe. We were excited to open the festivities of the 10th Annual Destination Wedding Planners Congress on April 15th.

It brings together celebrity wedding planners from across the globe. We needed to throw an amazing opening show for those people who are used to wowing the public themselves. And also to showcase the huge entertaining potential of drone light shows for the global wedding industry.

Troubleshooting Mode On

Some of the shows go 100% smooth, and that’s normal. By this point, we’ve done 190+ projects in 40+ countries, and are always ready for challenges.

Here’s some of what we did to wow the public at the Xth DWP Congress as planned and on time:

• chose different location with much better visibility for the drone show viewers, compared to the customer’s first option
• re-arranged delivery of the drone take-off platform: the truck with it got stuck in a sandy road, so we advised smaller trucks to reload and deliver the platform
• did not walk in savannah alone to avoid meeting a lion (even though our team members are interchangeable).

Drone Show Preparation Harder Than Launch

Launching drones (which sometimes raise questions) over the protected area of Victoria Falls where also the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia runs, is not that simple. But as long as we run the show, we make sure everything operates under law and in a safe environment.

In Zimbabwe we were happy to cooperate with our local partner, Precision Aerial, who assisted in obtaining numerous permits for the drone show preparation from several authorities. Eventually, every single one of them was obtained to provide a successful 500 drone light show at the Xth DWP Congress.

Best Drone Show

Dozens of DWP Congress came up to express their admiration about our stunning aerial performance.

The best outcome came the next day though. The wedding planners were standing in line to learn more about Lumasky drone shows and check our availability for their exclusive weddings in different parts of the world.

Well, mission accomplished.

Location: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
“What you guys did today shocked everyone” and other passionate feedback in video

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